Friday, June 28, 2013


We need to make sure that we are communicating better.  One of the things that I learned in class this week that I thought was extremely interesting was just how much our words aren’t really communicating anything.  According to bro. Williams, I’m not sure or his sources he just said a study, which could be anything, he said that words make up 14% of communication, tones make up 35%, and nonverbal communication makes up 51% of communication.  If this is true then we really need to work on our tones and our nonverbal body language when we are trying to communicate with someone.  When we say something that we mean, but our tone is off, they are going to take the message in a way that we never intended.  We are going to be communicating to them a completely different message than we had probably had planned in the beginning. I really think that if we understand this, then we are going to have a happier marriage and family life.  We really just need to make sure that our nonverbal and our tones are not communicating something that we don’t want to be communicating.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Spenser!
    Actually all studies on communication indicate these findings that Brother Williams shared! Interestingly enough we discussed this, this week in one of my classes and how in therapy you could reflect an emotion and from your tone is could be caring or critical. It is just so interesting to see how little words mean. Was this surprising to you? In what ways do you see this everyday?

    Maddison Dillon
