Friday, May 3, 2013

There are so many things that I have found to be so shocking about the family.  One of the things that I thought was just crazy was the fact that so many people think that the family is so old school.  They thing that marriage is a failing tradition and they are trying to change the definition of it altogether.  Marriage should be between a man and women, but recent trends are pushing the envelope on this.  They are saying “Hey!!  Marriage can be between a man and a woman, a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or even, one of the latest things that I have read, a woman and the Eiffel Tower.  Marriage has just changed so much that it has almost become a mockery to many different people.  It is taking one of the most basic institutions that there is, and one of the most essential ones, and changing to so that it can be just whatever.  I don’t think that this is right, and I believe that many people need to think about what they are doing. 

One of the other things that I found to be shocking was just how many people don’t think that what they are dong has any effect on anyone but themselves.  Marriage isn’t just something that affects the two people, or objects involved, it affects everyone.  It affects extended family members, neighborhoods, the community, but most importantly, the children.  Children are affected in many different ways. They may act out, they may do other things.  I am not a child professional, but what I do know is that children are out futures.  We need to make sure that they have the best set up for growing up and being successful in life.  They are our future and we need to make sure that they have it better than we did.  There is no need for them to be confused about the moral dilemmas that are going on in our world.  Just think of the children.

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