Wednesday, May 15, 2013

There is nothing that can take the place of a good family.  Unfortunate there are not a lot of people now a days that can say that they came from a good nuclear family.  There are so many groups of people that have been divorced or just do not have spouses in some way.  These families have many hardships and that makes it hard on the children as well.  One of the things that really stuck out to me was that some families are really having trouble with keeping themselves together as a coherent group in this day in age.  One of the videos that we watched for classes addressed this.  I what happened was that there was a lower income family and there was a lady and her kids, and that was it.  She wasn’t married.  The son thought that in order to be cool and fit in at school, that he needed some nice new clothes.  He didn’t want to go around without a shirt on either because that was considered lower class to him.  He also didn’t want to bring anybody over to his house because he was embarrassed about living in the house that they did.  All the meanwhile the mom was working hard to provide support for her family.  This really made me think because even though we may not have the same income as some other family.  Money is no the root of happiness.  I would have to say that the family is.  As long as you have your family everything is going to be ok, and I find that to be really comforting.

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